Hi, Our proposed soloution for issue4099 is to do the following modifications described below. Regards Tobias Rundgren Johan Abrahamsson In source file: /src/main/java/hudson/plugins/clearcase/history/DefaultFilter.java Merge/insert the lines: if (entry.getActivityName().equals("")) return false; example: public class DefaultFilter implements Filter { @Override public boolean accept(HistoryEntry entry) { if (entry.getVersionId().endsWith("/0")) return false; if (entry.getVersionId().endsWith("\\0")) return false; if (entry.getEvent().equalsIgnoreCase("create branch")) return false; if (entry.getActivityName().equals("")) return false; return true; } } Also we have noticed a similar problem when you use clearcase plugin for a non enabled UCM project. The activity will than becomes empty and the clearcase plugins fails to find changsets for a empty activity. This solves that problem: In source file: /src/main/java/hudson/plugins/clearcase/history/HistoryEntry.java Define a default String that needs to be set when you retrieve history from a non UCM enabled clearcase project. Merge/insert the line: String activityName = "undefined_for_non_ucm"; public class HistoryEntry { Date date; String dateText; String element; String versionId; String event; String user; String operation; String activityName = "undefined_for_non_ucm"; String comment; String activityHeadline; String line; Finaly we also seen that update command is just supporting to avoid update log creation on windows. We added this for unix/linux support: I source file: /src/main/java/hudson/plugins/clearcase/ClearToolSnapshot.java public void update(String viewName, String loadRules) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ArgumentListBuilder cmd = new ArgumentListBuilder(); cmd.add("update"); cmd.add("-force"); if (launcher.getLauncher().isUnix()) { cmd.add("-log", "/dev/null"); } else { cmd.add("-log", "NUL"); } if (loadRules == null) { cmd.add(viewName); } else { cmd.add("-add_loadrules"); // We're assuming loadRules already has a leading slash or backslash, since the only place // I can find where it's called like this is in UcmSnapshotCheckoutAction, where we // definitely put the slash/backslash. String loadRulesLocation = PathUtil.convertPathForOS(viewName + loadRules, getLauncher().getLauncher()); if (loadRulesLocation.matches(".*\\s.*")) { cmd.addQuoted(loadRulesLocation); } else { cmd.add(loadRulesLocation); } } launcher.run(cmd.toCommandArray(), null, null, null); }