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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-45083

MS Edge: `X` icon to delete Pipeline Search text appears early, and eventually twice


    • Blue Ocean 1.2-beta1, Blue Ocean 1.2-beta2

      In the Pipelines View, there is what appears to be an unnecessary `X` icon in the middle of the page, near the top. Invoking a Pipeline Search reveals the text box that this `X` icon belongs to...but this also produces a second `X` which serves the same function.

      Steps to recreate:
      1. Go to the Pipelines view, and look near the top of the page, but to the right of the Search icon. You'll notice the `X` which seems to be floating there (I've boxed it in red):

      2. Click near the magnifying glass to start a search, but don't type in any text yet. It's at this point that the text "Search pipelines..." appears for the first time.

      3. Now type any search string, and notice that a second `X` appears in the box. Both of these `X` icons are clickable, and both erase the current search string:

            nicu Nicolae Pascu
            kshultz Karl Shultz
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