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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-48271

Strings with exclamation mark passed to sh step get single quoted


      Using this as a minimal example:


      script {
          def testString1 = "echo a="
          def testString2 = "!123"
          def testString3 = "b="
          def testString4 = "2937"
          print "testString1+2 = "+testString1+testString2
          print "testString3+4 = "+testString3+testString4
          print "total: "+testString1+testString2+testString3+testString4
          sh "echo ${testString1}${testString2}"
          sh "eval ${testString1}${testString2}"
          sh "echo ${testString1}${testString2} ${testString3}${testString4}"
          sh "eval ${testString1}${testString2} ${testString3}${testString4}"


      The result while running the pipeline is:


      [Pipeline] script
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] echo
      testString1+2 = echo a=!123
      [Pipeline] echo
      testString3+4 = b=2937
      [Pipeline] echo
      total: echo a=!123b=2937
      [Pipeline] sh
      [pipeName] Running shell script
      + echo echo 'a=!123'
      echo a=!123
      [Pipeline] sh
      [pipeName] Running shell script
      + eval echo 'a=!123'
      ++ echo 'a=!123'
      [Pipeline] sh
      [pipeName] Running shell script
      + echo echo 'a=!123' b=2937
      echo a=!123 b=2937
      [Pipeline] sh
      [pipeName] Running shell script
      + eval echo 'a=!123' b=2937
      ++ echo 'a=!123' b=2937
      a=!123 b=2937
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // script


      Notice that last echo treats strings differently depending on whether or not the exclamation mark is contained within a contiguous string.

      This creates issues when, for example, creating maven options dynamically at runtime. Trying to generate 

      -Dopt1=test -Dopt2=test!1

       leads to a string

      -Dopt1=test '-Dopt2=test!1'

      which then doesn't work.

      This treatment of strings lacking consistency, and despite all my efforts to try to trim the string (or create the string within a shell script, etc), ultimately this issue is a bottleneck.

      Let me know if I am missing something, I will happily provide more information if needed.




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