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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-52428

PCT fails when plugin to test is not on context


      When you run the PCT using a war file and you try to test a plugin that is not contained in the aforementioned war the pct should just end fine (although is debatable if it should run or not the tests for the plugin) but currently it fails with:

      Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find the XML report file: /pct/out/pct-report.xml

      This is because the code that creates the empty xml report file is only fired when the plugin is actually tested, see here but the code that generates the html report is fired even if no plugins are exercised, see here

      It does not make sense to generate an html report file is no plugins have been exercised and that would fix the aforementioned problem

            rarabaolaza Raul Arabaolaza
            rarabaolaza Raul Arabaolaza
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            1 Start watching this issue
