• Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • subversion-plugin
    • None

      Subversion plugin should provide a configuration switch to ignore svn-externals.

      Many projects integrate opensource projects in the following way:

      $ svn propset svn:externals "getline http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/mcs/tools/csharp" .

      If the subversion plugin now polls the sourcecode repository of a project which is using
      externals every minute - all 3rd party subversion repositories are also polled.
      This might be a DDOS for public opensource projects.
      Typically developers use certain svn tag releases in their projects - therefore it is not
      ncessary to poll this tag-releases every minute.

      In other words: Something like "svn --ignore-externals up ." is needed...

      Subversion plugin should provide the following configuration options:

      [X] Fetch svn:externals
        [ ] Fetch svn:externals if checkout does not exist
        [ ] Fetch svn:externals periodically
            (1d) (m)inutes/(h)ours/(d)ays

      If you have hints how to trigger this in the svn-api of org.tmatesoft.svn.* / how to implement this
      please let me know...


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            scoopex Marc Schoechlin
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