package hudson.maven.reporters; import hudson.maven.MavenBuild; import hudson.maven.MavenBuildProxy; import hudson.maven.MavenBuildProxy.BuildCallable; import hudson.maven.MavenBuilder; import hudson.maven.MavenModule; import hudson.maven.MavenReporter; import hudson.maven.MavenReporterDescriptor; import hudson.maven.MojoInfo; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.tasks.junit.TestResult; import hudson.tasks.test.TestResultProjectAction; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurationException; import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.xml.XmlPlexusConfiguration; import; import; /** * Records the surefire test result. * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class SurefireArchiver extends MavenReporter { private TestResult result; public boolean preExecute(MavenBuildProxy build, MavenProject pom, MojoInfo mojo, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (isSurefireTest(mojo)) { // tell surefire:test to keep going even if there was a failure, // so that we can record this as yellow. // note that because of the way Maven works, just updating system property at this point is too late XmlPlexusConfiguration c = (XmlPlexusConfiguration) mojo.configuration.getChild("testFailureIgnore"); // if(c!=null && c.getValue().equals("${maven.test.failure.ignore}") && System.getProperty("maven.test.failure.ignore")==null) // c.setValue("true"); } return true; } public boolean postExecute(MavenBuildProxy build, MavenProject pom, MojoInfo mojo, final BuildListener listener, Throwable error) throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (!isSurefireTest(mojo)) return true; listener.getLogger().println("[HUDSON] Recording test results"); File reportsDir; try { reportsDir = mojo.getConfigurationValue("reportsDirectory", File.class); } catch (ComponentConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError("Unable to obtain the reportsDirectory from surefire:test mojo")); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return true; } if(reportsDir.exists()) { // surefire:test just skips itself when the current project is not a java project FileSet fs = new FileSet(); Project p = new Project(); fs.setProject(p); fs.setDir(reportsDir); fs.setIncludes("*.xml"); DirectoryScanner ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(p); if(ds.getIncludedFiles().length==0) // no test in this module return true; if(result==null) result = new TestResult(build.getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis() - 1000/*error margin*/, ds); else result.parse(build.getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis() - 1000/*error margin*/, ds); int failCount = build.execute(new BuildCallable() { public Integer call(MavenBuild build) throws IOException, InterruptedException { SurefireReport sr = build.getAction(SurefireReport.class); if(sr==null) build.getActions().add(new SurefireReport(build, result, listener)); else sr.setResult(result,listener); if(result.getFailCount()>0) build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); build.registerAsProjectAction(SurefireArchiver.this); return result.getFailCount(); } }); // if surefire plugin is going to kill maven because of a test failure, // intercept that (or otherwise build will be marked as failure) if(failCount>0 && error instanceof MojoFailureException) { MavenBuilder.markAsSuccess = true; } } return true; } public Action getProjectAction(MavenModule module) { return new TestResultProjectAction(module); } private boolean isSurefireTest(MojoInfo mojo) { return mojo.pluginName.matches("org.apache.maven.plugins", "maven-surefire-plugin") && mojo.getGoal().equals("test"); } public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return DescriptorImpl.DESCRIPTOR; } public static final class DescriptorImpl extends MavenReporterDescriptor { public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl(); private DescriptorImpl() { super(SurefireArchiver.class); } public String getDisplayName() { return "Publish surefire reports"; } public SurefireArchiver newAutoInstance(MavenModule module) { return new SurefireArchiver(); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }