Enabled Name ↓ Version Previously installed version Pinned Uninstall Active Directory plugin This plugin enables authentication through Active Directory on Windows environment. 1.41 Downgrade to 1.39 All changes plugin This plugin shows all changes (also from dependent projects, sub-projects, ...) for a project 1.3 Ant Plugin This plugin adds Apache Ant support to Jenkins. 1.2 Any Build Step Plugin Use publishers as builders and builders as publishers. Adds builders to the actions available in the [Flexible Publish Plugin] and publishers to the list of builders available in the [Conditional BuildStep Plugin]. 0.1 Artifact Deployer Plug-in This plug-in makes it possible to deploy artifacts from workspace to output directories. 0.33 Downgrade to 0.32 Build Pipeline Plugin This plugin renders upstream and downstream connected jobs that typically form a build pipeline. In addition, it offers the ability to define manual triggers for jobs that require intervention prior to execution, e.g. an approval process outside of Jenkins. 1.4.7 Downgrade to 1.4.6 build timeout plugin This plugin allows builds to be automatically terminated after the specified amount of time has elapsed. 1.15 Downgrade to 1.14.1 build-name-setter This plug-in sets the display name of a build to something other than #1, #2, #3, ... 1.3 Changes since last successfull build Plugin Generate changelog for a range of jenkins builds. 0.5 CMake plugin This plugin can be used to build cmake based projects. 2.1 Downgrade to 1.9 conditional-buildstep A buildstep wrapping any number of other buildsteps, controlling their execution based on a defined condition (e.g. BuildParameter). 1.3.3 Copy Artifact Plugin Adds a build step to copy artifacts from another project. 1.35.2 Downgrade to 1.35.1 Copy To Slave Plugin This plugin allows copying files located somewhere on the master node into the jobs' workspaces, whether their builds take place on the master node or on slave nodes. 1.4.4 Downgrade to 1.4.3 Credentials Plugin This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins. 1.22 Downgrade to 1.18 Unpin CVS Plug-in Integrates Jenkins with CVS version control system using a modified version of the Netbeans cvsclient. 2.12 Downgrade to 2.11 Unpin Delivery Pipeline Plugin This plugin visualize Delivery Pipelines (Jobs with upstream/downstream dependencies) 0.9.5 Downgrade to 0.9.1 Discard Old Build plugin This plugin enables detail configuration to discard old builds like using logfile size / status / days/ intervals days / build num / logfile regular expression. 1.05 Display Upstream Changes Display upstream changes plugin. 0.1 Docker plugin This plugin integrates Jenkins with Docker 0.12.1 Downgrade to 0.9.2 Durable Task Plugin Library offering an extension point for processes which can run outside of Jenkins yet be monitored. 1.6 Downgrade to 1.5 Email Extension Plugin This plugin is a replacement for Jenkins's email publisher 2.40.5 Downgrade to 2.40.4 enhanced-old-build-discarder This plugin adds an option to prevent discard of builds when the job is unstable. 1.0 Environment Injector Plugin This plugin makes it possible to set an environment for the builds. 1.92.1 Downgrade to 1.91.3 Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In Adds extended functionality to Choice parameter 0.52 Downgrade to 0.43 Extensible Choice Parameter plugin Extensible Choice Parameter provides several ways to retrieve choices, including the way to share choices among all jobs. 1.3.2 Downgrade to 1.3.0 External Monitor Job Type Plugin Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs. 1.4 Downgrade to 1.3 Flexible Publish Plugin Use a publisher more than once. Select the execution order of the publishers. Use run conditions to decide whether a publisher should be run. 0.15.2 Downgrade to 0.15.1 GIT client plugin Shared library plugin for other Git related Jenkins plugins. 1.19.0 Downgrade to 1.19.0 GIT plugin This plugin integrates GIT with Jenkins. 2.4.0 Downgrade to 2.3.5 Git server plugin Allows Jenkins to act as a Git server. 1.6 Downgrade to 1.5 Groovy This plugin executes Groovy code. 1.27 Downgrade to 1.25 Groovy Postbuild Groovy postbuild task. 2.2.1 Downgrade to 2.2 Hudson Post build task This plugin allows to execute a batch/shell task depending on the build log output. 1.8 Hudson SCP publisher plugin This plugin uploads build artifacts to repository sites using SCP (SSH) protocol. 1.8 Hudson WebSVN2 plugin This plugin integrates WebSVN browser interface for Subversion to Hudson. Entries in change logs will by hyperlinked to the specified files/diffs in WebSVN. 0.9 inheritance-plugin This plugin adds inheritance between jobs to Jenkins. To learn how this plugin is used, refer to this YouTube video. 1.5.3 Javadoc Plugin This plugin adds Javadoc support to Jenkins. 1.3 Downgrade to 1.1 Unpin Job Configuration History Plugin Job history plugin for Jenkins. 2.12 Downgrade to 2.11 Job Import Plugin The Job Import Plugin lets you import jobs from another Jenkins instance. 1.2 jQuery plugin This allows other plugins to use jQuery in UI. 1.11.2-0 Downgrade to 1.7.2-1 JUnit Plugin Allows JUnit-format test results to be published. 1.8 Downgrade to 1.6 Unpin LDAP Plugin Adds LDAP authentication to Jenkins 1.11 Downgrade to 1.6 Unpin Log Parser Plugin Parse the console output and highlight error/warning/info lines. 1.0.8 Mailer Plugin This plugin allows you to configure email notifications. This is a break-out of the original core based email component. 1.15 Downgrade to 1.11 Unpin MapDB API Plugin This plugin provides a shared dependency on the MapDB library so that other plugins can co-operate when using this library. Downgrade to Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin Offers matrix-based security authorization strategies (global and per-project). 1.2 Downgrade to 1.1 Unpin Matrix Project Plugin Multi-configuration (matrix) project type. 1.6 Downgrade to 1.4.1 Unpin Maven Integration plugin Jenkins plugin for building Maven 2/3 jobs via a special project type. 2.11 Downgrade to 2.9 Unpin Monitoring Jenkins' monitoring with JavaMelody. Open report after installation. 1.56.0 Downgrade to 1.55.0 Naginator This plugin reschedules failed jobs. 1.15 Downgrade to 1.14 Next Build Number Plugin This is a simple plugin that changes the next build number Jenkins will use for a job. 1.1 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin Uses the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer to allow safe-seeming HTML markup to be entered in project descriptions and the like. 1.3 Downgrade to 1.1 Unpin PAM Authentication plugin Adds Unix Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) support to Jenkins. 1.2 Downgrade to 1.1 Unpin Parameterized Trigger plugin This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build. 2.28 Downgrade to 2.26 Pending Changes plugin This plugin adds a view of all changes in the scm after the last build 0.3.0 PMD Plug-in This plug-in collects the PMD analysis results of the project modules and visualizes the found warnings. If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 3.41 Post-Build Script Plug-in PostBuildScript makes it possible to execute a set of scripts at the end of the build. 0.17 promoted builds plugin This plugin implements a "promoted build" feature where a build of one job can be marked as "promoted" when it passes certain criteria. 2.21 Downgrade to 2.20 Publish Over CIFS Send build artifacts to a windows share (CIFS/SMB/samba) 0.3 Publish Over FTP Send build artifacts over FTP 1.11 Redmine plugin This plugin integrates Redmine project management into Jenkins. 0.15 Run Condition Plugin Core conditions to select whether to execute a build step or publisher. Used by the [Flexible Publish Plugin] and the [Conditional BuildStep Plugin]. 1.0 SCM API Plugin This plugin provides a new enhanced API for interacting with SCM systems. 0.2 Script Security Plugin Allows Jenkins administrators to control what in-process scripts can be run by less-privileged users. 1.15 Downgrade to 1.14 Unpin Scriptler Scriptler allows you to store/edit/execute groovy scripts on any of the slaves/nodes... no need for copy paste groovy code anymore. Beside administer your scripts, Scritpler also provides a way to share scripts between users via hosted script catalogs on the internet. 2.7 Slave SetupPlugin This plugin prepares slaves for build execution by letting you copy files and execute scripts before the slave gets used. 1.9 Downgrade to 1.8 SSH Agent Plugin This plugin allows you to provide SSH credentials to builds via a ssh-agent in Jenkins. 1.8 Downgrade to 1.6 SSH Credentials Plugin This plugin allows you to store SSH credentials in Jenkins. 1.11 Downgrade to 1.10 Unpin SSH Slaves plugin This plugin allows you to manage slaves running on \*nix machines over SSH. 1.10 Downgrade to 1.9 Unpin Stash Notifier This plugin notifies a Stash server of build results. 1.8 Downgrade to 1.7 Static Analysis Utilities This plug-in provides utilities for the static code analysis plug-ins. If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 1.72 Downgrade to 1.71 Subversion Plug-in This plugin adds the Subversion support (via SVNKit) to Jenkins. 2.5.2 Downgrade to 2.5 Unpin ThinBackup This plugin simply backs up the global and job specific configurations (not the archive or the workspace). 1.7.4 Token Macro Plugin This plug-in adds reusable macro expansion capability for other plug-ins to use. 1.10 Translation Assistance plugin This plugin adds an additional dialog box in every page, which enables people to contribute localizations for the messages they are seeing in the current page. 1.12 Downgrade to 1.10 Unpin Windows Slaves Plugin Allows you to connect to Windows machines and start slave agents on them. 1.1 Downgrade to 1.0 Unpin Workflow: Step API API for asynchronous build step primitive. 1.9