Started by timer Building remotely on VDI-UFT12Jenk-W (UFT) in workspace C:\Users\qtptaskuser\Desktop\Jenkins\workspace\UFT\IT_Monitoring\TestingUFTscripts [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Done [TestingUFTscripts] $ C:\Users\qtptaskuser\Desktop\Jenkins\workspace\UFT\IT_Monitoring\TestingUFTscripts\HpToolsLauncher.exe -paramfile props26102015111600787.txt "Started..." Timeout is set to: 70 Run mode is set to: RUN_REMOTE ============================================================================ Starting test set execution Test set name: AgencyPortal, Test set id: 1772 "Number of tests in set: "1 Test 1: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn will run on host: Jenkins-TEST log4net:ERROR [RollingFileAppender] Unable to acquire lock on file C:\Users\qtptaskuser\Desktop\Jenkins\workspace\UFT\IT_Monitoring\TestingUFTscripts\. Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\qtptaskuser\Desktop\Jenkins\workspace\UFT\IT_Monitoring\TestingUFTscripts\'. "Scheduler started at:26/10/2015 11:16:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26/10/2015 11:16:04 Running: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn 26/10/2015 11:16:04 Running test: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn, Test id: 1093, Test instance id: 339 Test: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn, Id: 339, Execution status: Running Test: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn, Id: 339, Execution status: Failed, Message: Test run failed. [host: VDIUFT12JENK01] Step: Start Test Start Test AgencyPortalSignIn Step: Start Global Iteration Start Global Iteration 1 Step: Start Action Start Action Action1 Step: Agency Portal, Status: Failed Couldn't find the Policy tab Step: End Action End Action Action1 Step: End Global Iteration End Global Iteration 1 Step: End Test End Test AgencyPortalSignIn Link: td:// 26/10/2015 11:16:22 Test complete: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn, Run ID: 39248 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test: [1]AgencyPortalSignIn, Status: Failed, Message: Test run failed. [host: VDIUFT12JENK01] Link: td:// Test set: AgencyPortal, finished at 26/10/2015 11:16:23 ================================================ Run status: Job failed, total tests: 1, succeeded: 0, failures: 1, errors: 0 Failed : Root\System_Checks\IT_Monitoring\TST\AgencyPortal\[1]AgencyPortalSignIn ================================================ Build step 'Execute HP functional tests from HP ALM' changed build result to FAILURE [TestingUFTscripts] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\QTPTAS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson5316486852738545196.bat C:\Users\qtptaskuser\Desktop\Jenkins\workspace\UFT\IT_Monitoring\TestingUFTscripts>exit 0 I want to see this line in my job's output Number of failures is[1] Name: Root\System_Checks\IT_Monitoring\TST\AgencyPortal\[1]AgencyPortalSignIn Status: FAILED Message: Couldn't find the Policy tab' Command to execute: C:/trapgen293/trapgen.exe -d -v STRING "Root\System_Checks\IT_Monitoring\TST\AgencyPortal\[1]AgencyPortalSignIn" -v STRING "Alert Key" -v STRING "Couldn't find the Policy tab" -v STRING "FAILED" [BFA] Scanning build for known causes... [BFA] No failure causes found [BFA] Done. 0s Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds Finished: FAILURE