Active Choices Plug-in This plug-in provides additional parameter types for jobs, that allow you to cascade changes and render images or other HTML elements instead of the traditional parameter. 2.1 Downgrade to 2.0 Active Directory plugin This plugin enables authentication through Active Directory. 2.10 Downgrade to 2.9 Ant Plugin Adds Apache Ant support to Jenkins 1.9 Downgrade to 1.8 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin Bundles Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x and allows it to be used by Jenkins plugins. 4.5.5-3.0 Downgrade to 4.5.5-2.0 Authentication Tokens API Plugin This plugin provides an API for converting credentials into authentication tokens in Jenkins. 1.3 Authorize Project Configure projects to run with specified authorization. 1.3.0 Autofavorite for Blue Ocean Automatically favorites multibranch pipeline jobs when user is the author 1.2.2 Downgrade to 1.2.1 Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin Allows to use Bitbucket Cloud as a source for multi-branch projects. It also provides the required connectors for Bitbucket Cloud Team Folder (also known as repositories auto-discovering). 2.2.14 Downgrade to 2.2.12 Bitbucket Build Status Notifier Plugin This plugin is a Bitbucket build status notifier that can publish your build status to Bitbucket Cloud. 1.4.1 Downgrade to 1.4.0 Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean BlueOcean Bitbucket pipeline creator 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Bitbucket Plugin Integrates with BitBucket 1.1.8 Blue Ocean BlueOcean Aggregator 1.8.4 Blue Ocean Core JS 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor The Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor is the simplest way for anyone wanting to get started with creating Pipelines in Jenkins 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 bouncycastle API Plugin This plugin provides an stable API to Bouncy Castle related tasks. 2.17 Downgrade to 2.16.3 Branch API Plugin This plugin provides an API for multiple branch based projects. 2.0.20 Downgrade to 2.0.19 Build Blocker Plugin This plugin blocks a build if one of the given jobs is running. The blocking behaviour can be configured to block builds on node or global level and to scan the queue and block if blocking jobs are about to run. 1.7.3 Downgrade to 1.7.2 Build Timeout This plugin allows builds to be automatically terminated after the specified amount of time has elapsed. 1.19 Downgrade to 1.18 build-name-setter This plug-in sets the display name of a build to something other than #1, #2, #3, ... 1.6.9 Downgrade to 1.6.8 built-on-column Shows the actual node that a job was built on 1.1 categorized-view This plugin introduces a new view on which you can create collapsible groups of jobs based on regular expressions. 1.10 Downgrade to 1.8 CloudBees Credentials Plugin CloudBees Credentials Plugin This plugin is used to manage credentials within Jenkins. This plugin is used by CloudBees plugins to access CloudBees services. 3.3 Command Agent Launcher Plugin Allows agents to be launched using a specified command. 1.2 Downgrade to 1.0 Common API for Blue Ocean This plugin is a part of Blue Ocean UI 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Conditional BuildStep A buildstep wrapping any number of other buildsteps, controlling their execution based on a defined condition (e.g. BuildParameter). 1.3.6 Downgrade to 1.3.5 Config API for Blue Ocean BlueOcean Analytics Tools plugin 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Convert To Pipeline This plugin converts Freestyle jobs to Pipeline jobs. 1.0 Copy Artifact Plugin Adds a build step to copy artifacts from another project. 1.41 Downgrade to 1.40 Copy To Slave Plugin This plugin allows copying files located somewhere on the master node into the jobs' workspaces, whether their builds take place on the master node or on slave nodes. 1.4.4 Credentials Binding Plugin Allows credentials to be bound to environment variables for use from miscellaneous build steps. 1.17 Downgrade to 1.16 Credentials Plugin This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins. 2.1.18 Downgrade to 2.1.17 CVS Plug-in Integrates Jenkins with CVS version control system using a modified version of the Netbeans cvsclient. 2.14 Downgrade to 2.13 Cygpath plugin This plugin performs Cygpath path conversion on Windows slaves so that the path of tools in the cluster remains the consistent across platforms. 1.5 Dashboard for Blue Ocean Blue Ocean Dashboard 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Dashboard View Customizable dashboard that can present various views of job information. 2.9.11 Downgrade to 2.9.10 Design Language 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Discard Old Build plugin This plugin enables detail configuration to discard old builds like using logfile size / status / days/ intervals days / build num / logfile regular expression. 1.05 Display URL API Provides the DisplayURLProvider extension point to provide alternate URLs for use in notifications 2.2.0 Downgrade to 2.1.0 Display URL for Blue Ocean This plugin generates BlueOcean specific URLs for the Display URL plugin. 2.2.0 Docker Commons Plugin Provides the common shared functionality for various Docker-related plugins. 1.13 Downgrade to 1.12 Docker Pipeline Build and use Docker containers from pipelines. 1.17 Downgrade to 1.16 Durable Task Plugin Library offering an extension point for processes which can run outside of Jenkins yet be monitored. 1.27 Downgrade to 1.26 Email Extension Plugin This plugin is a replacement for Jenkins's email publisher. It allows to configure every aspect of email notifications: when an email is sent, who should receive it and what the email says 2.63 Downgrade to 2.62 emotional-jenkins-plugin This plugin is a sample to explain how to write a Jenkins plugin. 1.2 Downgrade to 1.1 EnvInject API Plugin Stores shared logic for Environment Injection management 1.5 Downgrade to 1.4 Environment Injector Plugin This plugin makes it possible to set an environment for the builds. 2.1.6 Downgrade to 2.1.5 Events API for Blue Ocean Blue Ocean Events 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 External Monitor Job Type Plugin Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs 1.7 Downgrade to 1.6 EZ Templates Allows you to use any job as a template for another job. 1.3.2 Downgrade to 1.3.0 Favorite This plugin allows users to favorite a job. 2.3.2 Downgrade to 2.3.1 Folders Plugin This plugin allows users to create "folders" to organize jobs. Users can define custom taxonomies (like by project type, organization type etc). Folders are nestable and you can define views within folders. Maintained by CloudBees, Inc. 6.6 Downgrade to 6.5.1 Git client plugin Utility plugin for Git support in Jenkins 2.7.3 Downgrade to 2.7.2 Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean BlueOcean Git SCM pipeline creator 1.8.4 Git plugin This plugin integrates Git with Jenkins. 3.9.1 Downgrade to 3.9.0 GIT server Plugin Allows Jenkins to act as a Git server. 1.7 Downgrade to 1.6 GitHub API Plugin This plugin provides GitHub API for other plugins. 1.92 Downgrade to 1.90 GitHub Branch Source Plugin Multibranch projects and organization folders from GitHub. Maintained by CloudBees, Inc. 2.4.1 Downgrade to 2.4.0 GitHub Organization Folder Plugin The functionality that was provided by this plugin has been moved to the GitHub Branch Source plugin. You can safely delete this plugin once there are no plugins that depend on this plugin installed. 1.6 Downgrade to 1.5 GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean BlueOcean GitHub organization pipeline creator 1.8.4 GitHub plugin This plugin integrates GitHub to Jenkins. 1.29.3 Downgrade to 1.29.2 Green Balls Because green is better than blue! For color blind support configure user property. 1.15 Downgrade to 1.14 Groovy 2.0 Downgrade to 1.30 Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin Bundles Handy Uri Templates 2.x and allows it to be used by Jenkins plugins 2.1.6-1.0 HTML Publisher plugin This plugin publishes HTML reports. 1.17 Downgrade to 1.16 HTTP Request Plugin This plugin sends a http request to an url with some parameters 1.8.22 Hudson Post build task This plugin allows to execute a batch/shell task depending on the build log output. 1.8 i18n for Blue Ocean Blue Ocean Internationalization (i18n) Plugin. This plugin is a part of the Blue Ocean Plugin set. 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Icon Shim Plugin Allows plugins make full use of the layout tag when running on newer versions of Jenkins, while still being compatible with older versions. 2.0.3 Jackson 2 API Plugin This plugin exposes the Jackson 2 JSON APIs to other Jenkins plugins. Downgrade to Javadoc Plugin 1.4 Downgrade to 1.3 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin. 1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin. 1.1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin. 1.2.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin. 1.1.1 JDK Tool Plugin Allows the JDK tool to be installed via download from Oracle's website. 1.1 Downgrade to 1.0 JIRA This plugin integrates Jenkins to Atlassian JIRA. 3.0.4 Downgrade to 3.0.3 JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Job DSL This plugin allows Jobs and Views to be defined via DSLs 1.70 Downgrade to 1.69 Job Node Stalker Lets you configure jobs to run on the same node, and if desired the same workspace, as another job. 1.0.5 Downgrade to 1.0.3 Join plugin Triggering a job after a group of jobs finish 1.21 Downgrade to 1.19 jQuery plugin This plugin provides an stable version of jQuery Javascript Library 1.12.4-0 JSch dependency plugin Jenkins plugin that brings the JSch library as a plugin dependency, and provides an SSHAuthenticatorFactory for using JSch with the ssh-credentials plugin. Downgrade to JUnit Plugin Allows JUnit-format test results to be published. 1.26.1 Downgrade to 1.25 JWT for Blue Ocean BlueOcean JWT plugin: Enables JWT based BlueOcean API authentication 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 LDAP Plugin Adds LDAP authentication to Jenkins 1.20 Downgrade to 1.19 Lockable Resources plugin This plugin allows to define external resources (such as printers, phones, computers) that can be locked by builds. If a build requires an external resource which is already locked, it will wait for the resource to be free. 2.3 Downgrade to 2.2 Mailer Plugin This plugin allows you to configure email notifications for build results 1.22 Downgrade to 1.21 MapDB API Plugin This plugin provides a shared dependency on the MapDB library so that other plugins can co-operate when using this library. Downgrade to Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin Offers matrix-based security authorization strategies (global and per-project). 2.3 Downgrade to 2.2 Matrix Project Plugin Multi-configuration (matrix) project type. 1.13 Downgrade to 1.12 Maven Integration plugin This plug-in provides, for better and for worse, a deep integration of Jenkins and Maven: Automatic triggers between projects depending on SNAPSHOTs, automated configuration of various Jenkins publishers (Junit, ...). 3.1.2 Downgrade to 3.1 Mercurial plugin This plugin integrates Mercurial SCM with Jenkins. It includes repository browsing support for hg serve/hgweb, Google Code, Bitbucket, FishEye, KilnHG and RhodeCode. Features include guaranteed clean builds, named branch support, module lists, Mercurial tool installation, and automatic caching. 2.4 Downgrade to 2.3 Monitoring Jenkins' monitoring with JavaMelody. Open report after installation. 1.74.0 Downgrade to 1.73.1 Multijob plugin This plugin is a MultiJob plugin. 1.31 Downgrade to 1.30 Multiple SCMs plugin This plugin enables the selection of multiple source code management systems for a build. For example, it enables checking out the source code from one SCM while checking out legacy or third-party code from another. 0.6 Downgrade to 0.5 Naginator This plugin reschedules failed jobs. 1.17.2 Downgrade to 1.17 Node and Label parameter plugin The node and label parameter plugin allows to dynamically select the node on which a job should be executed. 1.7.2 NUnit plugin This plugin transforms NUnit test reports so they can be recorded by Jenkins' JUnit features. 0.23 Downgrade to 0.22 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin Uses the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer to allow safe-seeming HTML markup to be entered in project descriptions and the like. 1.5 Downgrade to 1.3 PAM Authentication plugin Adds Unix Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) support to Jenkins 1.4 Downgrade to 1.3 Parameterized Scheduler This plugin is for configuring a cron style timer schedule for parameterized builds. 0.6.2 Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.35.2 Downgrade to 2.35.1 Personalization for Blue Ocean Blue Ocean Personalization 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Pipeline A suite of plugins that lets you orchestrate automation, simple or complex. See Pipeline as Code with Jenkins for more details. 2.6 Downgrade to 2.5 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin Provides a REST API to access pipeline and pipeline run data. 1.7 Downgrade to 1.6 Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean This plugin is a part of BlueOcean Plugin 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean This plugin is a part of BlueOcean Plugin 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Pipeline: API Plugin that defines Pipeline API. 2.31 Downgrade to 2.30 Pipeline: Basic Steps Commonly used steps for Pipelines. 2.12 Downgrade to 2.11 Pipeline: Build Step Adds the Pipeline step build to trigger builds of other jobs. 2.7 Downgrade to 2.5.1 Pipeline: Declarative An opinionated, declarative Pipeline. 1.3.2 Downgrade to 1.3.1 Pipeline: Declarative Agent API Replaced by Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API plugin. 1.1.1 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API APIs for extension points used in Declarative Pipelines. 1.3.2 Downgrade to 1.3.1 Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries Allows Pipeline Grrovy libraries to be loaded on the fly from GitHub. 1.0 Pipeline: Groovy Pipeline execution engine based on continuation passing style transformation of Groovy scripts. 2.60 Downgrade to 2.59 Pipeline: Input Step Adds the Pipeline step input to wait for human input or approval. 2.8 Downgrade to 2.5 Pipeline: Job Defines a new job type for pipelines and provides their generic user interface. 2.27 Downgrade to 2.25 Pipeline: Milestone Step Plugin that provides the milestone step 1.3.1 Downgrade to 1.3 Pipeline: Model API Model API for Declarative Pipeline. 1.3.2 Downgrade to 1.3.1 Pipeline: Multibranch Enhances Pipeline plugin to handle branches better by automatically grouping builds from different branches. 2.20 Downgrade to 2.19 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes Pipeline steps locking agents and workspaces, and running external processes that may survive a Jenkins restart or slave reconnection. 2.26 Downgrade to 2.25 Pipeline: REST API Plugin Provides a REST API to access pipeline and pipeline run data. 2.10 Downgrade to 2.9 Pipeline: SCM Step Adds a Pipeline step to check out or update working sources from various SCMs (version control). 2.7 Downgrade to 2.6 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries Shared libraries for Pipeline scripts. 2.12 Downgrade to 2.11 Pipeline: Stage Step Adds the Pipeline step stage to delineate portions of a build. 2.3 Downgrade to 2.2 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata Library plugin for Pipeline stage tag metadata. 1.3.2 Downgrade to 1.3.1 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin Pipeline Stage View Plugin. 2.10 Downgrade to 2.9 Pipeline: Step API API for asynchronous build step primitive. 2.16 Downgrade to 2.15 Pipeline: Supporting APIs Common utility implementations to build Pipeline Plugin 2.22 Downgrade to 2.21 Plain Credentials Plugin Allows use of plain strings and files as credentials. 1.4 Downgrade to 1.3 Pre SCM BuildStep Plugin This plugin allows build steps to be performed before the SCM step performs an action. 0.3 Downgrade to 0.2 promoted builds plugin This plugin implements a "promoted build" feature where a build of one job can be marked as "promoted" when it passes certain criteria. 3.2 Downgrade to 3.1 Pub-Sub "light" Bus A simple Publish-Subscribe light-weight event bus for Jenkins 1.12 Publish to Bitbucket Plugin This plugin allows you to publish the current code in workspace to a bitbucket server by creating a new repository and associated project if required. 0.4 REST API for Blue Ocean This plugin is a part of Blue Ocean UI 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 REST Implementation for Blue Ocean This plugin is a part of Blue Ocean UI 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Role-based Authorization Strategy Enables user authorization using a Role-Based strategy. Roles can be defined globally or for particular jobs or nodes selected by regular expressions. 2.9.0 Downgrade to 2.8.2 Run Condition Plugin Define conditions for the execution of build steps 1.2 Downgrade to 1.0 Schedule Build Plugin Adds capability to schedule a build for a later point in time. 0.5.1 SCM API Plugin This plugin provides a new enhanced API for interacting with SCM systems. 2.3.0 Downgrade to 2.2.8 Script Security Plugin Allows Jenkins administrators to control what in-process scripts can be run by less-privileged users. 1.48 Downgrade to 1.47 Scriptler Scriptler allows you to store/edit/execute groovy scripts on any of the slaves/nodes... no need for copy paste groovy code anymore. Beside administer your scripts, Scritpler also provides a way to share scripts between users via hosted script catalogs on the internet. 2.9 Downgrade to 2.7 Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway. 1.16 Downgrade to 1.15 SSH Agent Plugin This plugin allows you to provide SSH credentials to builds via a ssh-agent in Jenkins 1.17 Downgrade to 1.16 SSH Credentials Plugin Allows storage of SSH credentials in Jenkins 1.14 Downgrade to 1.13 SSH Slaves plugin Allows to launch agents over SSH, using a Java implementation of the SSH protocol. 1.28.1 Downgrade to 1.26 Static Analysis Utilities This plug-in provides utilities for the static code analysis plug-ins. 1.95 Downgrade to 1.94 Structs Plugin Library plugin for DSL plugins that need names for Jenkins objects. 1.17 Downgrade to 1.15 Subversion Plug-in 2.12.1 Downgrade to 2.11.1 Template Project plugin This plugin lets you use builders, publishers and SCM settings from another project. 1.5.2 Downgrade to 1.5.1 Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in This plugin allows for throttling the number of concurrent builds of a project running per node or globally. 2.0.1 Downgrade to 1.9.0 Timestamper Adds timestamps to the Console Output 1.8.10 Downgrade to 1.8.9 Token Macro Plugin This plug-in adds reusable macro expansion capability for other plug-ins to use. 2.5 Downgrade to 2.4 Translation Assistance plugin 1.16 Downgrade to 1.15 user build vars plugin This plugin is used to set user build variables: jenkins user name and id. 1.5 Downgrade to 1.4 Variant Plugin This user-invisible library plugin allows other multi-modal plugins to behave differently depending on where they run. 1.1 Web for Blue Ocean Blue Ocean core 1.9.0 Downgrade to 1.8.4 Windows Slaves Plugin Allows you to connect to Windows machines and start slave agents on them. 1.3.1