// Omni uses a Declarative Pipeline pipeline { environment { // This is who is guaranteed to be emailed if build fails/aborts/etc EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS = "jeffrey_bennett@ibi.com,Don_Schaefer@ibi.com,Alan_Horowitz@ibi.com,Ioan_Fintescu@ibi.com" EMAIL_SS_RECIPIENTS = "jeffrey_bennett@ibi.com,Don_Schaefer@ibi.com,opanchys@softserveinc.com" // Name of the corresponding branch in omni-ss-project SS_BRANCH_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME}" // Which Maven should we use MAVEN_VERSION = "Maven 3.x-latest" // JDK to use in general JDK_LATEST_VERSION = "JDK 8-latest" // JDK to use for grails JDK_GRAILS_VERSION = "JDK 7-latest" // Publish things in Jenkins: true=not-published, false=published PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED = "true" PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED = "true" PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED = "true" // Various location SONAR_HOST_URL = "http://omnibld0.ibi.com:9000" IWJIRA_HOST_URL = "http://iwjira.ibi.com:8080" GITREPO_HOST_URL = "http://omnibld0.ibi.com:8082" GITREPO_BRANCH = "E0RIJG2bEe" NEXUS_INSTALLER = "http://omnibld0.ibi.com:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/com/iwaysoftware/omni/omnigen-installer" WORKSPACE_ROOT = "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace" PROJECT_ROOT = "${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/omni-pipeline_${env.BRANCH_NAME}" INSTALLER_VERSION = "3.8.3" // Status PROJECT_BUILT = "false" REGULAR_BUILT = "false" GRAILS_BUILT = "false" // These modules will be skipped by regular (Java8) build stage, and // get built by special (Java7) stage. The version of Grails (2.3.5) // we use requires Java 7. // This should be every module under omni/xmc/360viewer // -pl \!:omni-xmc-360viewer,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmc360viewer,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcappogc,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmccommon,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcconfig,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmccore,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcdashboard,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcdatadict,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcdqm,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcgrouping,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcmaster,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcomnigen,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcproxy,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcrealm,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcremediation,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcsecurity,\!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcworkbench SKIP_SS_GRAILS_MODULES = '-pl '+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmc360viewer,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcappogc,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmccommon,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcconfig,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmccore,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcdashboard,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcdatadict,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcdqm,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcgrouping,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcmaster,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcomnigen,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcproxy,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcrealm,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcremediation,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcsecurity,'+ '!:omni-xmc-360viewer-opmcworkbench' // Make Steps conditional - in general, these should all be true RUN_PREPARE = "true" RUN_PREPARE_SS = "true" RUN_STEPS = "true" RUN_SS_STEPS = "true" RUN_UPDATEJIRA = "true" RUN_DOCKER = "true" } options { // Only run one build at a time disableConcurrentBuilds() // We will manage SCM ourselves - largely because we need to go to different repos for different things // skipDefaultCheckout() // fail-fast skipStagesAfterUnstable() // TIME-IME-IME-IME, is on my side, yes it is timestamps() // Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, // hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's // a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just // peanuts to space. buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactNumToKeepStr: '1')) } agent any triggers { pollSCM 'H/5 * * * *' snapshotDependencies() } stages { stage('Prepare') { parallel { stage('Prepare (regular) omni-project') { when { expression { return env.RUN_PREPARE =="true" } } steps { // Reduce slack spam // JOB - #33 Build Started after 35 min (Open) //slackSend channel: '#jenkins', // color: 'good', // message: env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Build Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' echo 'Git retrieval omni-project' git branch: env.BRANCH_NAME, poll: false, changelog: false, url: 'http://omnibld0.ibi.com:8082/scm/git/omni-project' echo "last changes - omni-project" lastChanges format: 'LINE', matchWordsThreshold: '0.25', matching: 'NONE', matchingMaxComparisons: '1000', showFiles: true, since: 'PREVIOUS_REVISION', specificBuild: '', specificRevision: '', synchronisedScroll: true, vcsDir: "${PROJECT_ROOT}" } } stage('Prepare (regular) omni-ss-project') { when { expression { return env.RUN_PREPARE_SS =="true" } } steps { // Reduce slack spam // JOB - #33 Build Started after 35 min (Open) //slackSend channel: '#jenkins', // color: 'good', // message: env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Build Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' dir('omni-ss-project') { echo 'Git retrieval omni-ss-project' git branch: env.SS_BRANCH_NAME, poll: true, changelog: true, url: 'http://omnibld2.ibi.com:8082/scm/git/omni-ss-project' echo "last changes - omni-ss-project" lastChanges format: 'LINE', matchWordsThreshold: '0.25', matching: 'NONE', matchingMaxComparisons: '1000', showFiles: true, since: 'PREVIOUS_REVISION', specificBuild: '', specificRevision: '', synchronisedScroll: true, vcsDir: "${PROJECT_ROOT}/omni-ss-project" } } } stage('Prepare (grails) omni-ss-project') { agent { node { label 'grails' } } environment { PATH = "/usr/local/share/grails-2.3.5/bin/:$PATH" } when { expression { return env.RUN_PREPARE_SS =="true" } } steps { // Reduce slack spam // JOB - #33 Build Started after 35 min (Open) //slackSend channel: '#jenkins', // color: 'good', // message: env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Build Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' dir('omni-ss-project') { echo 'Git retrieval omni-ss-project' git branch: env.SS_BRANCH_NAME, poll: false, changelog: false, url: 'http://omnibld2.ibi.com:8082/scm/git/omni-ss-project' } } } } } stage('Phase #1') { parallel { stage('Building omni-project') { when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS =="true" } } steps { echo 'Building' withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_LATEST_VERSION, mavenOpts: '-Xms256m -Xmx4096m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit', options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED ), openTasksPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED), findbugsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED)]) { sh "mvn -U -T 9 clean deploy" } } post { always { script { PROJECT_BUILT = "true" } echo "PROJECT_BUILT=${PROJECT_BUILT}" } } } // We are obsessed with being clean // We build things at different layers on different agents. // In the event that a layer changes agent, there is the possibility // of leaving something extra around (e.g a TEST*.xml file) since // the build moved to a new agent, thus causing the abandoned file // to be double counted. // This cleans every agent from the top-down - i.e. thoroughly. // We used to clean thoroughly, but a module expecting grails 3.x cannot // effectively be cleaned by a node having grails 2.x. i.e. 'grails clean' // goes belly up for opmc-xmc-app-ogc (3.x module) when grails 2.x is used. // We now do surgical cleaning stage('Clean 360viewer (grails)') { agent { node { label 'grails' } } environment { PATH = "/usr/local/share/grails-2.3.5/bin/:$PATH" } when { expression { return env.RUN_SS_STEPS == "true" } } steps { dir('omni-ss-project/omni/xmc/360viewer') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_GRAILS_VERSION, // We do not need publishers from this mvn run options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: true ), openTasksPublisher(disabled: true), findbugsPublisher(disabled: true)]) { // do the clean in a specific directory - surgical cleaning sh "mvn -T 1 clean "//+env.MAVEN_ARGS } } } } stage('Clean omni-ss-project (regular)') { environment { PATH = "/usr/local/share/grails-3.3.6/bin/:$PATH" } when { expression { return env.RUN_SS_STEPS == "true" } } steps { // Apparently, cleaning OmniDesigner requires a OmniDesigner/bundles/target/repository to exist // We do this to create it. Very bizarre dir('omni-ss-project/omni/OmniDesigner/bundles') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_LATEST_VERSION, options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED), openTasksPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED), findbugsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED)]) { // We will do a clean here since 'bundles' is not attached to the root POM // and does not get cleaned by the cleanser (way) above. sh "mvn clean install " } } dir('omni-ss-project') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_LATEST_VERSION, // we do not need publishers on this mvn run options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: true ), openTasksPublisher(disabled: true), findbugsPublisher(disabled: true)]) { sh "mvn -T 1 clean " } } } } } } stage('Phase #2') { parallel { stage('Sonarqube omni-project') { when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS == "true" } } steps { script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') { echo 'SonarQube Analyzing' withSonarQubeEnv("SonarQubeInstall") { // requires SonarQube Scanner for Maven 3.2+ sh 'mvn -T 1 org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:sonar' } } else { echo "Skipping SonarQube on ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" } } } } stage('Whitesource omni-project') { when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS == "true" } } steps { echo 'WHITESOURCE' script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') { echo 'Updating whitesource regular' sh "mvn -T 1 org.whitesource:whitesource-maven-plugin:update" } else { echo 'Skipping whitesource' } } } } // Build the old '11' (360-viewer) // Grails portion of '11' is in this special stage due to it needing a // particular environment. stage('Build omni-ss-project (grails)') { // Grails, the tool, uses a grailsWorkingDir, which by default // is $USER_HOME/.grails. Project builds make use of the // working dir for portions of the build. Unfortunately, there // is collision if two grails builds occur simulaneously within // files in the grailsWorkingDir. To avoid this, we force // grails builds to use the 'grails' node, which has a single // executor, and prevent multiple grails builds from occurring // simultaneously. In the future, we should look to not use // a shared grailsWorkingDir so we can do multiple concurrent // builds. agent { node { label 'grails' } } environment { PATH = "/usr/local/share/grails-2.3.5/bin/:$PATH" } when { expression { return env.RUN_SS_STEPS == "true" } } steps { // echo env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Step Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' // slackSend channel: '#jenkins', // color: 'good', // message: env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Step Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' // Grails (v2.3.5) uses JDK 7. // We know that Grails (v2.3.11) and all Grails (2.4.0+) // are JDK 8 compliant. dir('omni-ss-project/omni/xmc/360viewer') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_GRAILS_VERSION, options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED), openTasksPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED), findbugsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED)]) { sh "mvn -T 4 deploy "//+env.MAVEN_ARGS } } } post { always { //echo 'publishing junit' //junit '**/omni/xmc/360viewer/**/TEST*.xml' script { GRAILS_BUILT = "true" } echo "GRAILS_BUILT=${GRAILS_BUILT}" } } } // Build the old '02' (omni-domainod), '03' (omni-dqmengine), '04', (omni-dqmonitor), // '05' (DQMUpdater), '06' (DQWorkbenchService), '11' (360-viewer) and '11.5' (remediation) // Grails portion of '11' is split out to its own stage due to it needing a special // environment. stage('Build omni-ss-project (regular)') { environment { PATH = "/usr/local/share/grails-3.3.6/bin/:$PATH" } when { expression { return env.RUN_SS_STEPS == "true" } } steps { // echo env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Step Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' // slackSend channel: '#jenkins', // color: 'good', // message: env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Step Started (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' // We need to first do a build in the 'bundles' directory, which modifies // some files used in the subsequent build. dir('omni-ss-project/omni/OmniDesigner/bundles') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_LATEST_VERSION, options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED), openTasksPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED), findbugsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED)]) { // We will do a clean here since 'bundles' is not attached to the root POM // and does not get cleaned by the cleanser (way) above. sh "mvn clean install" } } dir('omni-ss-project') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_LATEST_VERSION, options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED), openTasksPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED), findbugsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED)]) { // This skips things being done in the grails (i.e. 360 viewer) sh "mvn -T 1 -P eclipse-luna,product deploy "+env.SKIP_SS_GRAILS_MODULES } } } post { always { // Skip 360viewer and OmniDesigner //echo 'publishing junit' script { REGULAR_BUILT = "true" } echo "REGULAR_BUILT=${REGULAR_BUILT}" } } } } } stage('Phase #3') { parallel { stage('Whitesource omni-ss-project') { when { expression { return env.RUN_SS_STEPS == "true" } } steps { dir('omni-ss-project') { echo 'WHITESOURCE' script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') { echo 'Updating whitesource regular' sh "mvn -T 1 org.whitesource:whitesource-maven-plugin:update" } else { echo 'Skipping whitesource' } } } } } stage('Build omnigen-packaging') { agent { node { label 'installanywhere && Windows' } } when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS == "true" } } steps { dir('omni/omnigen-packaging') { withMaven( maven: env.MAVEN_VERSION, jdk: env.JDK_LATEST_VERSION, options: [ artifactsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACTS_DISABLED), openTasksPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_OPENTASKS_DISABLED), findbugsPublisher(disabled: env.PUBLISH_FINDBUGS_DISABLED)]) { bat "mvn -U clean deploy" } } } } } } stage('Phase #4') { parallel { stage('Docker Build') { when { expression { return env.RUN_DOCKER == "true" } } steps { dir('omni-ss-project/omni/TestingCommon/dockertest') { script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') { sh "mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:get "+ "-DremoteRepositories=http://omnibld0.ibi.com:8081/nexus/content/groups/public "+ "-Dtransitive=false "+ "-DgroupId=com.iwaysoftware.omni "+ "-DartifactId=omnigen-installer "+ "-Dversion=${env.INSTALLER_VERSION} "+ "-Dpackaging=bin "+ "-Dclassifier=Linux-MD" // sh "wget ${env.NEXUS_INSTALLER}/${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}/omnigen-installer-${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}-Linux-MD.bin" // sh "chmod +x omnigen-installer-${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}-Linux-MD.bin" sh "chmod +x ~jenkins/.m2/repository/com/iwaysoftware/omni/omnigen-installer/${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}/omnigen-installer-${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}-Linux-MD.bin" sh "chmod 666 og_ctxt/OmniGenInstall.properties" sh "docker-compose build" // If for some reason the docker container is already up, then // install may fail (because the port is in use). To avoid this, // just insure that docker is in a known-down state before // we begin sh "docker-compose down" try { sh "docker-compose up -d" sh "docker container ls" sh "docker cp ~jenkins/.m2/repository/com/iwaysoftware/omni/omnigen-installer/${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}/omnigen-installer-${env.INSTALLER_VERSION}-Linux-MD.bin dockertest_omni_1:/tmp/og-installer.bin" //sh "docker exec dockertest_omni_1 chmod +x /tmp/og-installer.bin" echo "installing" try { sh "docker exec dockertest_omni_1 /tmp/og-installer.bin -i silent -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR=/home/oguser/og" echo "installed-clean" } catch(err) { echo "installed-dirty: "+err } echo "starting" sh "docker exec -w /home/oguser/og/omnigen/OmniServer dockertest_omni_1 ./omni.sh start-controller -Dspawn=false" echo "started" timeout(5) { waitUntil { def r = sh script: 'wget --quiet --no-check-certificate https://localhost:10500/main.e790a1f0742e2447599a.js -O - | grep -q \"Log into Omni-Gen Console\"', returnStatus: true return (r == 0); } } echo "Controller successfully started" } finally { sh "docker-compose down" } } else { echo "Skipping Docker as we are on branch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" } } } } } stage('Whitesource omnigen-packaging') { agent { node { label 'installanywhere && Windows' } } when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS == "true" } } steps { dir('omni/omnigen-packaging') { echo 'WHITESOURCE' script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') { echo 'Updating whitesource' bat "mvn -T 1 org.whitesource:whitesource-maven-plugin:update" } else { echo 'Skipping whitesource' } } } } } } } stage('Phase #5') { parallel { stage('Collect Jacoco') { when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS == "true" } } steps { echo 'jacoco' jacoco exclusionPattern: '**/BOOT-INF/**,'+ 'org/dom4j/**/*,'+ 'com/hevelian/**/*,'+ 'org/apache/**/*,'+ 'org/wso2/carbon/**/*,'+ 'liquibase/ext/**/*,'+ 'async/**,'+ 'cal/**,'+ 'chat/**,'+ 'checkbox/**,'+ 'colors/**,'+ 'compressionFilters/**,'+ 'dates/**,'+ 'error/**,'+ 'examples/**,'+ 'filters/**,'+ 'jsp2*/**,'+ 'listeners/**,'+ 'nonblocking*/**,'+ 'num/**,'+ 'sessions/**,'+ 'util/**,'+ 'validators/**,'+ 'websocket*/**,'+ '**/*Example.class,'+ '**/*HtmlTagLib*.class,'+ '**/ServletToJsp.class,'+ 'com/ibi/dib/dbms/liquibase/**/*,'+ 'com/ibi/omni/test/model/**/*,'+ 'com/ibi/omnigen/model/**/*,'+ 'com/ibi/omnigen/ohd/model/**/*,'+ 'com/ibi/omnigen/view/**/*' } } stage('Record Issues') { when { expression { return env.RUN_STEPS == "true" } } steps { echo 'RecordIssues' recordIssues ( aggregatingResults: true, tools: [ checkStyle(), java(), mavenConsole(), spotBugs(useRankAsPriority: true), taskScanner(highTags: 'TODO,FIXME', ignoreCase: true, includePattern: '**/src/**/*.java'), pmdParser() ]) } } stage('Update Jira') { when { expression { return env.RUN_UPDATEJIRA == "true" } } steps { echo 'Update Jira' script { commentJiraIssues().each { jiraChange -> echo "jiraChange: "+jiraChange jiraAddComment( idOrKey: jiraChange.id, site: "iwjira", comment: jiraChange.comment, failOnError: false, auditLog: false ) } } echo "beyond script" } } } } } post { always { // Send slack based on actual outcome, not generically // JOB - #33 Build Complete after 35 min (Open) // slackSend channel: '#jenkins', // color: 'good', // message: env.JOB_NAME+' - #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER+' Build Complete after '+currentBuild.durationString+' (<'+env.BUILD_URL+'|Open>)' echo 'ciGame()' ciGame() // Doing junit here seems to double-count tests echo 'skip publishing junit' //junit '**/TEST*.xml' } success { echo "POST: SUCCESS: Regular:${PROJECT_BUILT}" echo 'sending slack' // JOB - #33 Success after 35 min (Open) slackSend channel: '#jenkins', color: 'good', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} - #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Success after ${currentBuild.durationString} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)" //echo 'sending email' // NO EMAIL on success //emailext attachLog: true, // body: 'See <'+env.BUILD_URL+'>', // subject: 'Jenkins build is successful : '+env.JOB_NAME+' #'+env.BUILD_NUMBER, // recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']],, // to: env.EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS } unstable { echo 'POST: UNSTABLE' echo 'sending slack' // JOB - #33 Unstable after 35 min (Open) slackSend channel: '#jenkins', color: 'warning', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} - #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Unstable after ${currentBuild.durationString} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)" echo 'sending email' // EMAIL: // Jenkins build is unstable: 09-DeploymentBundleTool-trunk #716 // See emailext attachLog: true, body: "See <${env.BUILD_URL}>", subject: "Jenkins build is unstable: ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], to: env.EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS } failure { echo "POST: FAILURE: ${env.BUILD_URL}, ${BUILD_URL}, <${BUILD_URL}>, <${env.BUILD_URL}>" echo 'sending slack' // JOB - #33 Failure after 35 min (Open) slackSend channel: '#jenkins', color: 'danger', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} - #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Failure after ${currentBuild.durationString} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)" echo 'sending email' // EMAIL: // Build failed in Jenkins: 09-DeploymentBundleTool-trunk #716 // See emailext attachLog: true, body: "See ${env.BUILD_URL}", subject: "Build failed in Jenkins: ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], to: env.EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS } fixed { echo 'POST: FIXED' echo 'sending slack' // JOB - #33 Back to normal after 35 min (Open) slackSend channel: '#jenkins', color: 'good', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} - #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Back to normal after ${currentBuild.durationString} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)" echo 'sending email' // EMAIL: // Jenkins build is back to normal : 09-DeploymentBundleTool-trunk #716 // See mail body: "See <${env.BUILD_URL}>", from: 'omni-jenkins@ibi.com', subject: "Jenkins build is back to normal : ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", to: env.EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS } regression { echo 'POST: REGRESSION' echo 'sending slack' // JOB - #33 Regression after 35 min (Open) slackSend channel: '#jenkins', color: 'warning', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} - #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Regression after ${currentBuild.durationString} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)" echo 'sending email' // EMAIL: // Build failed in Jenkins: 09-DeploymentBundleTool-trunk #716 // See emailext attachLog: true, body: "See ${env.BUILD_URL}", subject: "Build regression in Jenkins: ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], to: env.EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS } aborted { echo 'POST: ABORTED' echo 'sending slack' // JOB - #33 Aborted after 35 min (Open) slackSend channel: '#jenkins', color: 'warning', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} - #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Aborted after ${currentBuild.durationString} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)" echo 'sending email' // EMAIL: // Build aborted in Jenkins: 09-DeploymentBundleTool-trunk #716 // See emailext attachLog: true, body: "See <${env.BUILD_URL}>", subject: "Build aborted in Jenkins: ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], to: env.EMAIL_IBI_RECIPIENTS } } } @NonCPS def commentJiraIssues() { echo "commentJiraIssues" def issue_pattern = "(OG|OGSD|OHD)-\\d+" def jiraList = [] // Find all relevant commit ids currentBuild.changeSets.each {changeSet -> changeSet.each { commit -> // echo "... commit: "+commit String commitId = commit.getCommitId() String msg = commit.getMsg() // echo "testing commit: "+msg msg.findAll(issue_pattern).each {id -> // echo "issue: "+id def ts = new Date(commit.getTimestamp()) // Add Jira to list String comment = "[JENKINS-PIPELINE]\n"+ "Current Build: "+ currentBuild.absoluteUrl+"\n"+ "Git Commit ID: ${env.GITREPO_HOST_URL}/scm/#changesetPanel;${env.GITREPO_BRANCH};"+commitId+"\n"+ "Commit Message: "+msg+"\n"+ "Author: "+commit.getAuthor().getFullName()+"\n"+ "Timestamp: "+ts.format("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))+" UTC\n"+ "Files: [" commit.getAffectedPaths().each { path -> comment = comment + "\n" + path } comment = comment + "\n]" jiraList << [ id: id, comment: comment ] // echo "... after add" } // echo "... after findAll" } } // If we get here, we know that *THIS* build is successful // test previousBuilds and relate all info for past // unsuccessful builds echo "testing previous builds" // echo "currentBuild is: "+currentBuild def run = currentBuild.previousBuild // echo "run is: "+run while (run != null) { // echo "evaluating run: "+run.number+", "+run.currentResult if (run.resultIsWorseOrEqualTo("UNSTABLE")) { // echo "worse than success" run.changeSets.each {changeSet -> changeSet.each { commit -> // echo "... commit: "+commit String commitId = commit.getCommitId() String msg = commit.getMsg() // echo "...testing commit: "+msg msg.findAll(issue_pattern).each { id -> // echo "issue: "+id def ts = new Date(commit.getTimestamp()) String comment = "[JENKINS-PIPELINE]\n"+ "Current Build: "+ currentBuild.absoluteUrl+"\n"+ "Git Commit ID: ${env.GITREPO_HOST_URL}/scm/#changesetPanel;${env.GITREPO_BRANCH};"+commitId+"\n"+ "Commit Message: "+msg+"\n"+ "Author: "+commit.getAuthor().getFullName()+"\n"+ "Timestamp: "+ts.format("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))+" UTC\n"+ "Files: [" commit.getAffectedPaths().each { path -> comment = comment + "\n" + path } comment = comment + "\n]" // Add Jira to list jiraList << [ id: id, comment: comment ] // echo "... after add" } // echo "... after findAll" } } // echo "end of commits for run" // iterate run = run.previousBuild // echo "run is now: "+run } else { // echo "was successful - ending loop" // break out of loop run = null } } // echo "done with previous builds" // echo "jiras: "+jiraList jiraList }