ftp> open Connected to 220-FTPSERVE IBM FTP CS V2R2 at ETPGM.DAL-EBIS.IHOST.COM, 10:13:50 on 2019-05-20. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. 501 command OPTS aborted -- no options supported for UTF8 User ( 331 Send password please. 230 JENKINS is logged on. Working directory is "JENKINS.". ftp> debug Debugging On . ftp> quote site filetype=jes jesjobname=* jesstatus=ALL jesentrylimit=1024 ---> site filetype=jes jesjobname=* jesstatus=ALL jesentrylimit=1024 200 SITE command was accepted ftp> dir ---> PORT 172,29,97,20,226,236 200 Port request OK. ---> LIST 125 List started OK for JESJOBNAME=*, JESSTATUS=ALL and JESOWNER=JENKINS JOBNAME JOBID OWNER STATUS CLASS ISMFDFWE JOB01582 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWG JOB01584 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWF JOB01583 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWI JOB01587 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWJ JOB01588 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWH JOB01586 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWD JOB01581 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWC JOB01580 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWA JOB01578 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWB JOB01579 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files SQLJES JOB01577 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files MNTICU JOB01576 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files GEN65CAS JOB01556 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 3 spool files ISMFDFWE JOB01146 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWG JOB01148 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWF JOB01147 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWI JOB01150 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWJ JOB01151 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWH JOB01149 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWC JOB01144 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWD JOB01145 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWA JOB01141 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWB JOB01142 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files SQLJES JOB01140 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files MNTICU JOB01139 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files ISMFDFWE JOB00358 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWJ JOB00363 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWG JOB00360 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWH JOB00361 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWF JOB00359 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWI JOB00362 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWA JOB00354 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWC JOB00356 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWD JOB00357 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWB JOB00355 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files SQLJES JOB00353 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files MNTICU JOB00352 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files ISMFDFWF JOB09638 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWH JOB09640 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWG JOB09639 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWA JOB09633 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWJ JOB09642 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWI JOB09641 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWC JOB09635 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWE JOB09637 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWD JOB09636 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWB JOB09634 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files SQLJES JOB09632 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files MNTICU JOB09631 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files WSGCSD JOB08888 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 6 spool files WSGCSD JOB08883 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files WSGCSD JOB08879 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files WSGCSD JOB08862 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files WSGCSD JOB08849 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files ISMFDFWE JOB08519 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWG JOB08521 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWA JOB08515 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWC JOB08517 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWJ JOB08525 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWI JOB08523 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWH JOB08522 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files ISMFDFWB JOB08516 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files ISMFDFWF JOB08520 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0008 4 spool files ISMFDFWD JOB08518 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0004 4 spool files SQLJES JOB08513 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 4 spool files MNTICU JOB08511 JENKINS OUTPUT A RC=0000 6 spool files 250 List completed successfully. ftp: 4466 bytes received in 11.09Seconds 0.40Kbytes/sec. ftp> ls ---> PORT 172,29,97,20,226,246 200 Port request OK. ---> NLST 125 Nlst started OK for JESJOBNAME=*, JESSTATUS=ALL and JESOWNER=JENKINS JOB01582 JOB01584 JOB01583 JOB01587 JOB01588 JOB01586 JOB01581 JOB01580 JOB01578 JOB01579 JOB01577 JOB01576 JOB01556 JOB01146 JOB01148 JOB01147 JOB01150 JOB01151 JOB01149 JOB01144 JOB01145 JOB01141 JOB01142 JOB01140 JOB01139 JOB00358 JOB00363 JOB00360 JOB00361 JOB00359 JOB00362 JOB00354 JOB00356 JOB00357 JOB00355 JOB00353 JOB00352 JOB09638 JOB09640 JOB09639 JOB09633 JOB09642 JOB09641 JOB09635 JOB09637 JOB09636 JOB09634 JOB09632 JOB09631 JOB08888 JOB08883 JOB08879 JOB08862 JOB08849 JOB08519 JOB08521 JOB08515 JOB08517 JOB08525 JOB08523 JOB08522 JOB08516 JOB08520 JOB08518 JOB08513 JOB08511 250 Nlst completed successfully ftp: 663 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 331.50Kbytes/sec. ftp> quit ---> QUIT 221 Quit command received. Goodbye.