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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-16892

Git plugin update breaks builds, if SCM Changes are used in other plugins


      After updating Jenkins to 1.502 and Jenkins GIT plugin to 1.1.29, the builds that use email-ext with ${CHANGES...} macro in the body and Testflight (with enabled 'Append changelog to build notes' checkmark} do fail because of stack overflow in GIT related code.

      Note, that overflow happens only, if there're changes in SCM from the last build.

      Stacktrace for Testflight plugin fail - see testflight-callstack.txt attached
      Stacktrace for email-ext plugin fail - see email-ext-callstack.txt attached

        1. testflight-callstack.txt
          144 kB
          Denis Syrokvash
        2. email-ext-callstack.txt
          72 kB
          Denis Syrokvash

            slide_o_mix Alex Earl
            asidden Denis Syrokvash
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
