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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-21154

Usage of UpDownStreamNumberSychronizedNotify in conjunction with parameterized-trigger-plugin will lead to a non working pipeline


      Jenkins LTS 1.532.1
      BlameSubversion plugin 1.200

      Creating two freestyle jobs, A and B.
      Settings in A:

      • Post-build Actions:
      • - Trigger parameterized builds on other projects: build "B" without parameters
      • - UpDownStreamNumberSychronizedNotify, number = 10

      Then trigger A manually. Build of B does not start.
      Log (A #3):

      Building remotely on Slave1 in workspace C:\build_jen\workspace\A
      B #30 is already in the queue
      Notifying upstream projects of job completion
      Finished: SUCCESS

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            alex01ves Alex Vesely
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