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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-25763

implement syntax verification for parameters


      While running the plugin and having the typo/wrong syntax in "token" field (missing " in my case), allows to execute further steps even when in advanced options of this plugin "fail the build" is set on evaluation failure (see config.png for setup example). Execution.png has the steps that are placed after the plugin that is having bad behaviour and they are executed.

      In my opinion there should be a syntax verification performed there, and when syntax is not correct, should fail the job at this step or at least this situation should be treated as condition evaluation failure.

      If i can assist with more information please let me know to improve this wonderfull tool.
      Thank you.

        1. execution.PNG
          8 kB
          Wojciech Hajduczenia
        2. config.PNG
          7 kB
          Wojciech Hajduczenia

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            wojtek_haj Wojciech Hajduczenia
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