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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-13904

EnvInject Plugin: option to replace invalid characters in env var names with underscores


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • core
    • None

      I've got a Java properties file (example attached), which I don't have the ability to modify, that I'm sourcing via EnvInject and this file contains keys which are dot delimited (ex: app.version). EnvInject correctly pulls these in as I've verified on the "Injected environment variables" screen, but they are unresolvable when trying to use them in the job.

      For instance, when trying to use ${app.version} w/the Git plugin to tag a build, I get: "Tag ${app.version}.4 does not exist...", and when I try to use it when executing a shell, I get: "${app.version}: bad substitution". Keys without dots from this same properties file work just fine... unfortunately I need access to the ones w/the dots.

      After doing a bit of research, I understand why this is happening.

      1st of all, you have posted JIRA issues where kohsuke says that env vars w/dots will not be expanded in Jenkins:


      Then, by doing a quick google search, you'll see that dots in env vars are not supported in most shells and people say to just stay away from them.

      With that in mind, I think a great feature to add to the EnvInject plugin would be to give users the option to replace the dots (and actually any other which are invalid in env var names) that appear in environment variable names with an underscore. If you look at this issue that was opened against the SharedObjects plugin, you'll see that, "...environment variables from tool names replaces a space, a
      dash or a dot to by a underscore."


      Please see attached properties files and screenshots.

        1. application.properties
          0.2 kB
          Chris Fraser
        2. envinject-with-new-option.jpg
          56 kB
          Chris Fraser
        3. injected-environment-variables.jpg
          192 kB
          Chris Fraser

            gbois Gregory Boissinot
            superflav Chris Fraser
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