I tried to configure two plugin repos: internal and updates.jenkins-ci.org (base) on my jenkins instance. For internal server I create my own update-center.json file. If I specify only my repo, or only base repo - I have no problems with plugin manager(plugins are displayed, installed and updated correctly).
But if I set two repos at the same time (by groovy script), I have a problem. I can see plugins only from one server but duplicated twice (or any other times depends on how much repos did I add).
Jenkins error log says that data was obtained without errors (signature fails or JSON parsing fails and others) from all repos - default and mine.
Unfortunately Plugin manager (via User Interface and Groovy scripts) shows that myUpdateSite.getAvailables and defaultUpdateSite.getAvailables contain same data, that is impossible according to contents of JSON update files.
I seek through code and found the reason of that bug:
list of updates is generated by UpdateCenter.getUpdates();
UpdateCenter.getUpdates() ->(call) UpdateSite.getUpdates() for each update site in UpdateCenter.sites.
UpdateSite.getUpdates() iterates through ALL plugins from PluginManager.getPlugins() and gets only those that have new version.
That means that as a result we have a list which contains (all updates list)x(number of update sites). It works perfectly if we have only one update site.
I don't know the best way to fix it while preserving architecture integrity, so I ask someone to fix it.
I seek through code and found the reason of that bug:
list of updates is generated by UpdateCenter.getUpdates();
UpdateCenter.getUpdates() ->(call) UpdateSite.getUpdates() for each update site in UpdateCenter.sites.
UpdateSite.getUpdates() iterates through ALL plugins from PluginManager.getPlugins() and gets only those that have new version.
That means that as a result we have a list which contains (all updates list)x(number of update sites). It works perfectly if we have only one update site.
I don't know the best way to fix it while preserving architecture integrity, so I ask someone to fix it.
I put this comment's body into the issue description, so it might be deleted now, but I have not such permissions.