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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-14728

Buil-flow jobs fail to load the job history if the envinject plugin is installed


      Steps to reproduce :
      1.Install build-flow and envinject
      2.Create a build-flow job
      3.Successfully run the build-flow job
      4.Restart jenkins

      The following occurs:
      No builds will be displayed in the history. Relevant jenkins log entry is attached.

      08.08.2012 12:33:25 hudson.model.RunMap load
      WARNING: could not load E:\Jenkins\jobs\test111\builds\2012-07-31_17-20-02
      hudson.util.IOException2: Unable to read E:\Jenkins\jobs\test111\builds\2012-07-31_17-20-02\build.xml
      at hudson.XmlFile.unmarshal(XmlFile.java:164)
      at hudson.model.Run.reload(Run.java:290)
      at hudson.model.Run.<init>(Run.java:279)
      Caused by: com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: Could not call org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction.readResolve() : null : Could not call org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction.readResolve() : null
      ---- Debugging information ----
      message : Could not call org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction.readResolve() : null
      cause-exception : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ObjectAccessException
      cause-message : Could not call org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction.readResolve() : null
      class : com.cloudbees.plugins.flow.FlowRun
      required-type : org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction
      path : /com.cloudbees.plugins.flow.FlowRun/builds/edgeMap/entry/org.jgrapht.graph.IntrusiveEdge/target/actions/org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction
      line number : 59

      Manually deleting all lines containing "envinject" from Jenkins\jobs\test111\builds\2012-07-31_17-20-02\build.xml allows for the build to properly be loaded and displayed in the build history.

        1. jenkins.err.log
          8 kB
        2. build-edited.xml
          6 kB
        3. build-original.xml
          6 kB
        4. 44-jenkins.err.log
          8 kB

            ndeloof Nicolas De Loof
            thunderm Andrei Ababei
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
