I have set up a matrix job with the same configuration as a working non-matrix job. I have a single build step that invokes a simple ant target. On the Sauce axis, I have chosen two browser configs and on the Slaves axis, I have chosen a single slave. This yields two jobs.

      When the two jobs run, there is an ant error which seems to be failing because of the way that the SELENIUM_DRIVER argument is passed to ant.

      [rh2vagrant] $ ant -DSELENIUM_DRIVER=sauce-ondemand:?os=Linux&browser=googlechrome&browser-version= -Darguments="-DSELENIUM_DRIVER=sauce-ondemand:?os=Linux&browser=googlechrome&browser-version=" -Dlabel=rh2vagrant -Dbehat.profile=local-js ci
      /usr/bin/ant: line 326: browser-version=: command not found
      Buildfile: build.xml
      [rh2vagrant] $ ant "-DSELENIUM_DRIVER=sauce-ondemand:?os=Windows 2008&browser=iexploreproxy&browser-version=9" '-Darguments="-DSELENIUM_DRIVER=sauce-ondemand:?os=Windows 2008&browser=iexploreproxy&browser-version=9"' -Dlabel=rh2vagrant -Dbehat.profile=local-js ci
      /usr/bin/ant: line 326: browser-version=9: command not found
      Buildfile: build.xml
      Target "2008" does not exist in the project "behat". 

      In the first output, the SELENIUM_DRIVER argument is completely unquoted, while in the second output, the entire thing, including the -D is in quotes.

      Could I be doing something wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated.

      I am running Jenkins ver. 1.476 with Sauce OnDemand plugin ver. 1.21.

            rossrowe Ross Rowe
            zroger Roger Lopez
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