Resolution: Not A Defect
Verified on Mac OSX
The Android Emulator plug-in does not expose the ability to use a dynamic skin.
The problem is that newer devices do not have hardware buttons for most functionality (Home, Menu, etc.). Instead, they use a dynamic skin. This is especially true in devices running JellyBean. However, when using the Android Emulator plug-in, I have not been able to generate this type of device image.
For instance, when I create an emulator using Android Virtual Device Manager, I can create it from a Device Definition. If I choose Nexus 7 by Google, I get an option to "Display a skin with hardware controls" under the "Skin:" category. This does not appear to be exposed in the Android Emulator plug-in.
Upon inspection of the config.ini files in the AVD created through the GUI and the AVD created by Jenkins, I noticed the presence of skin.dynamic=yes. However, when I tried adding that as a Hardware property, I was unable to view the dynamic skin.
The reason that this is a blocker for me is that I'm trying to run tests that rely on the existence of a MENU button, and I'm unable to hit that button if it does not exist.