I have a jenkins installation with ~ 200 job, named R-<project> or TRUNK-<project>. Many of these are disabled.
All R-projects compose a huge main pipeline based on "Build on SNAPSHOT" .
Some projects in main pipeline are orchestrated in a complex sub pipeline using "jenkins flow plugin".
All projects configuration are created by "Template Workflows Plugin"
The pipeline is the following:
- Some project trigger A-install
- A-install create A-SNAPSHOT and perform "Deploy on nexus repository"
- B-compile, which depends on A-SNAPSHOT artifact, has "Build on SNAPSHOT" setted to true
The problem is that ONLY ONE project not triggers downstream projects. Moreover "Downstream projects" section in this "job home" is missing.
I spent some hours to resolve/investigate this issue and I have noticed this behaviour:
If I rename "problematic job" with a different name, edit & save job configuration without modifications: the job behaviour became right.
If I rename "fixed job" with the old name , edit & save job configuration without modifications, the behaviour became wrong.
I notice that not all rename works, if I rename "R-engineBuilder-install" into "R-asd" the job behaviour remains wrong. If I rename "R-asd" into "asd" the job behaviour became right.
If I create a new job cloning "problematic job", the cloned job behaviour is correct. Both "Downstream projects" section and trigger works.
I cannot replicate problem using a small set of jobs.
I resolve the problem using a "non-problematic" job name.
I have attached a full list of projects name.