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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-25379

Manual trigger execution causes TriggerException using a 32bits jdk


      Running Jenkins on windows with a 32bits jdk, clicking the icon in the Delivery Pipeline Plugin to run a manual step in a pipeline yields a "Cannot trigger build!" error. Running the manual step in Build Pipeline Plugin is successful. Steps to reproduce:

      Run jenkins on windows with a 32bits jdk
      Create a pipeline with a manual step
      Run the pipe up to the manual step
      Click the icon to the the right of the manual step

        1. Manual Trigger Console Error.png
          117 kB
          Maximiliano Leonardo García Santanna
        2. Manual Trigger Browser Error.png
          74 kB
          Maximiliano Leonardo García Santanna
        3. 2015-04-29_0918.png
          146 kB
          Aleix Vergés

            patbos Patrik Boström
            maximilianolgs Maximiliano Leonardo García Santanna
            3 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
