Jenkins has repeatedly triggered a CI run on the same Perforce changelist every time it polls. The job is set to poll every two minutes and trigger a new CI run per every new change list. Currently, it keeps running a new job every two minutes even though there are no new changelists committed to the repository. You can tell in the logs below that it stops updating the "current" CL at build 182 and keeps finding changes (408326+), even though they've already been tested (and passed).
Here's a breakdown of what's going on...
// Perforce Checkins
405702 4/2/2015 @ 11:17PM
408326 4/3/2015 @ 10:49AM
408455 4/3/2015 @ 11:22AM
// Jenkins Build Setup:
Build Triggers
-Poll SCM:
H/2 * * * * (every two minutes)
-Workspace Behavior
-Populate Options:
Sync Only
Populate have list checked
-Polling Build Filters:
"Polling per change" enabled
// Polling Logs
Started on Apr 2, 2015 11:04:00 PM
Polling SCM changes on worker_node_001
P4: Polling on: worker_node_001 with:my_project_build
Connected to node: worker_node_001
Connected to server:
Connected to client: my_project_build
P4: Polling with label/change: 404445,now
listing changes: //my_project_build/...@404445,now
... found change: 405641
next change: 405641
Done. Took 1.9 sec
Changes found
Started on Apr 2, 2015 11:18:00 PM
Polling SCM changes on worker_node_001
P4: Polling on: worker_node_001 with:my_project_build
Connected to node: worker_node_001
Connected to server:
Connected to client: my_project_build
P4: Polling with label/change: 405641,now
listing changes: //my_project_build/...@405641,now
... found change: 405702
next change: 405702
Done. Took 1.4 sec
Changes found
Started on Apr 3, 2015 10:50:01 AM
Polling SCM changes on worker_node_001
P4: Polling on: worker_node_001 with:my_project_build
Connected to node: worker_node_001
Connected to server:
Connected to client: my_project_build
P4: Polling with label/change: 405702,now
listing changes: //my_project_build/...@405702,now
... found change: 408326
next change: 408326
Done. Took 2.1 sec
Changes found
Started on Apr 3, 2015 10:52:01 AM
Polling SCM changes on worker_node_001
P4: Polling on: worker_node_001 with:my_project_build
Connected to node: worker_node_001
Connected to server:
Connected to client: my_project_build
P4: Polling with label/change: 405702,now
listing changes: //my_project_build_build/...@405702,now
... found change: 408326
next change: 408326
Done. Took 1.7 sec
Changes found
<...kept doing this every two minutes...>
<I disabled it and updated P4 Plugin from 1.1.2 to 1.2.1>
Started on Apr 3, 2015 11:28:00 AM
Polling SCM changes on worker_node_001
P4: Polling on: worker_node_001 with:my_project_build
Connected to node: worker_node_001
Connected to server:
Connected to client: my_project_build
P4: Polling with label/change: 405702,now
listing changes: //my_project_build/...@405702,now
... found change: 408455
... found change: 408326
next change: 408326
Done. Took 3.2 sec
Changes found
Started on Apr 3, 2015 11:30:00 AM
Polling SCM changes on worker_node_001
P4: Polling on: worker_node_001 with:my_project_build
Connected to node: worker_node_001
Connected to server:
Connected to client: my_project_build
P4: Polling with label/change: 405702,now
listing changes: //my_project_build/...@405702,now
... found change: 408455
... found change: 408326
next change: 408326
Done. Took 2.1 sec
Changes found
<...and so on and so forth until I disabled it>
- is related to
JENKINS-29235 p4jenksin not pickup latest changes
- Closed