Our repository contains a variant of the git-flow branch naming convention, where you will see
      branches such as dev/main or release/3.2

      Using multibranch, strange things happen:

      • dev/main gets displayed as dev%2Fmain, then on restart dev%252Fmain, then dev%25252Fmain and all history seems to be lost.

      This is likely down to / being a dodgy delimiter for a project name. I tried to fix this by adjusting WorkflowBranchProjectFactory thusly:

      -        WorkflowJob job = new WorkflowJob((WorkflowMultiBranchProject) getOwner(), branch.getName());
      +        String branchName = branch.getName().replace("/", "-");
      +        WorkflowJob job = new WorkflowJob((WorkflowMultiBranchProject) getOwner(), branchName);

      but it didn't seem to help.

      Happy to try to fix if I can get a pointer as to what to look at.

            jglick Jesse Glick
            magnayn magnayn
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