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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-31392

Jenkins groovy script to get triggered build number


      I'm trying to write down a script that will get the Build Number of a Build that has been triggered by another job. For example: I have a build job that calls two other jobs(Call/trigger builds on other project). When the main job is finished with success I would like to get the number of the first build job that was triggered from within. The script I'm trying to run founds the main job, however I can't get in any way the build number of the triggered job.

      def job = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItem("Hourly")
      job.builds.each {
      def build = it
      if (it.getResult().toString().equals("SUCCESS")) {The rest of the code should go here!}

      I was trying to find it in the Jenkins java-doc API and online, however without any luck. Can somebody please help me with that?

      P.S. The script runs after the job has finished(triggered when needed only).

            vjuranek vjuranek
            voolkanus Amir Sinay
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            4 Start watching this issue
