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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-36199

"Toaster" for managing Toast instances


    • 1.0-m10, 1.0-pre-beta-1, 1.0-beta-1

      Atm, the Toast component is standalone and has some little issues that could be resolved by having a separate/parent component that manages instance of Toast:

      • Rendering with other components is a bit weird and results in the rendered Toast needing to be fixed positioned in order to stop it appearing in the middle of the page somewhere.
      • It is currently unmounting itself, causing some react errors in the console.

      The Toaster would provide a fixed "docking" location for the Toast instances, removing the need for the user of the Toast to have to do weird CSS positioning etc. The Toaster would also handle the unmounting and hopefully fix the current react errors.

      The Toast message details could be sent to the Toaster via redux etc.

            cliffmeyers Cliff Meyers
            tfennelly Tom FENNELLY
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
