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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-47312

Declarative pipelines inside Global libraries scripts (vars/.groovy) does not evaluate properly conditional in "if" clauses


      I've tried to move an entire declarative pipeline to a vars/.groovy file in order to globalize it in a shared library using new 1.2 declarative (as per documentation here

      I have these files:



      def call(String rutaPomXml, String rutaPomXmlEAR, String contextoUrl, Tipo tipo) {
      [...] //Some other stuffs
       pipeline { 
           [...] //Some other stuffs
            stage('Preparing environment') {
                agent { label 'linux' }
                steps {
                    preparaEntorno esLibreria: false
            [...] //Some other stuffs


      def call(args) {
        echo "Preparando entorno..."
        def esLibreria = args.esLibreria?:false
        echo "Is library? ${esLibreria}"
        if(esLibreria) {
            echo "Preparing environment for library" 
        } else {
            echo "Preparing environment for app" 
      [...] //Some other stuffs

      When pipeline runs, argument "esLibreria" is passed as "false" in preparaEntorno command but in console, I can see these messages:

      [Pipeline] echo
      Is library?? false
      [Pipeline] echo
      Preparing environment for library

      instead of

      "Preparing environment for app" 

      It works when pipeline is not in a .groovy file in a shared library.

        1. DeclataviePipeline.groovy
          0.1 kB
          Jesús Lunar Pérez
        2. prepareEnvironment.groovy
          0.4 kB
          Jesús Lunar Pérez
        3. preparingEnvironmentStage.groovy
          0.5 kB
          Jesús Lunar Pérez

            abayer Andrew Bayer
            jlp01 Jesús Lunar Pérez
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
