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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-48366

Pipeline script step for - HPE Octane Cucumber test reporter


      Implementing a pipeline script command as an equivalent to the post build step "HPE Octane Cucumber test reporter" would enable us to use only a pipeline script without the need to trigger a separate build job to play our cucumber test reports and implemented tests back to octane.


      Currently we publish junit results as an workaround. That ensures that we have the test runs from jenkins visible in octane, but with that we don't get the E2E reference. Octane (Gherkin Test) -> GIT (Gherkin test implementation & extension) -> Jenkins (Build & Test) -> Octane (Results & Reference to initial Gherkin test and updated test specification based on GIT)

            sharon_vardi Sharon Vardi
            tjaehnig Thomas Jähnig
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
