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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-53071

Bitbucket Multibranch Pipeline long path error


      I have created a job (Bitbucket Project job) using Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin and I'm working with a Windows node.

      I have a repository that has a file inside with a path with 230 character length (e.g.: "this-is-a-long-path-example/subdir-and/more-subdir/long-long-filename.txt").

      If your workspace is: "C:\workspace\job" would be fine, but it is "C:\workspace\bitbucket-team_bitbucket-repo_branch-hash" (80 character length). So, in this case, is more than Windows allows you to handle (255 character length).

      It is needed to provide a way to reduce the hash made because it is unable to checkout the repo. How can this be handle?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            albertajuelo Alberto Gonzalez Tajuelo
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