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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-63651

Multibranch pipelines cannot set "Bitbucket Server trigger build after push"


      My multibranch pipeline job is failing to trigger after pushing to the upstream repository, even though I can see a "Received refs changed event from repo" entry in the Jenkins logs.

      From what I can tell after perusing the code, the webhook installed by this plugin (which POSTs to /bitbucket-server-webhook/trigger) only affects jobs with "Bitbucket Server trigger build after push" checked, as BitbucketWebhookConsumer::toTriggerDetails looks for jobs with a BitbucketWebhookTriggerImpl in their trigger list. Pipeline jobs can check this option in their configuration, but multibranch pipelines cannot since the per-branch configurations are not controlled by the user. Am I missing something or does this not work?

      There's a related "Bitbucket Server trigger scan after push" option that can be enabled on the multibranch job, and would probably work around the problem since scanning the upstream repo would detect the change and trigger a build anyway, but that's not working for me either; haven't unpacked the code enough to understand how that one works yet. But in any case, the first paragraph still seems problematic.

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            mrozekma Michael Mrozek
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